Let us outnumber them.
A few weeks ago, I watched part of a televised speech a conservative Christian woman gave in Washington, D.C. As she spoke about some of the challenges facing our nation today, she encouraged her audience to be morally clean and to stay strong and steadfast. As she took a stand against those of our country who oppose traditional values, she gave an interesting suggestion.
Her proposal was to win by outnumbering the opposition. Namely, by having children!
She mentioned a friend of hers who has eleven kids. Think of the impact on society this friend could have if her many children grow up to be good, strong fighters for morality and truth.
I am not saying that we should all have eleven children. The size of a family is a very personal matter, and the size can and should vary, depending on each unique circumstance. But we can make a difference by marrying and having families if we are able to, and by teaching our children to do what is right.
And when those who scoff at family values and religion spend their money on luxury, and die without deigning to be parents, who will be left to live in this country? Who will be running for office?
In a world where so many fight to destroy the traditional family, let us raise children, and let us teach them to live lives of honesty, morality, chastity, and virtue. Let us teach them to speak up, and to make a difference. Let us instill in them the nature of absolute truths that never change, even if science, the media, and our neighbors are insisting that the earth is flat instead of round. In this way we can improve the world.
A recent article (link provided below) quotes some people who have decided not to have children in order to be eco-friendly and save the planet.
At age 25, one woman was horrified to find out that she was pregnant. She immediately had an abortion. She says, "I didn't like having a termination, but it would have been immoral to give birth to a child that I felt strongly would only be a burden to the world. I've never felt a twinge of guilt about what I did, and have honestly never wondered what might have been."
She continues, "A woman like me, who is not having children in order to save the planet, is considered barking mad....what I consider mad are those women who ferry their children short distances in gas-guzzling cars."
Another woman of a similar mindset states, "I realized...that a baby would pollute the planet - and that never having a child was the most environmentally friendly thing I could do."
Her boyfriend adds, "We recycle, use low-energy light bulbs and eat only organic, locally produced food. In short, we do everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint. But all this would be undone if we had a child. That's why I had a vasectomy. It would be morally wrong for me to add to climate change and the destruction of the Earth. [We]...don't need children to feel complete. What makes us happy is knowing that we are doing our bit to save our precious planet."
I wonder what would happen if everyone made the noble commitment to save the planet by not having children. I guess we'd all eventually die, and the animals would be free to finally live in peace, free from global warming, free from pollution. The trees would be able to grow. What a beautiful world that would be, but I guess we might not be around to enjoy it at that point.
Yes, we need to be respectful of the world around us; we need to reduce bad habits and do what we can to preserve this beautiful place God has given us to live. So if we are concerned about the earth's future, why not have children and teach them to care for it when we're gone?
Those who maintain that it is moral to terminate an innocent life but immoral to have a child who rides in a gas-guzzling car....let them die off without reproducing. I'm okay with that.
And let those who care about actually improving the world have as many children as we deem proper. Let us teach them what the word "moral" really means. Let us make a difference.
Her proposal was to win by outnumbering the opposition. Namely, by having children!
She mentioned a friend of hers who has eleven kids. Think of the impact on society this friend could have if her many children grow up to be good, strong fighters for morality and truth.
I am not saying that we should all have eleven children. The size of a family is a very personal matter, and the size can and should vary, depending on each unique circumstance. But we can make a difference by marrying and having families if we are able to, and by teaching our children to do what is right.
And when those who scoff at family values and religion spend their money on luxury, and die without deigning to be parents, who will be left to live in this country? Who will be running for office?
In a world where so many fight to destroy the traditional family, let us raise children, and let us teach them to live lives of honesty, morality, chastity, and virtue. Let us teach them to speak up, and to make a difference. Let us instill in them the nature of absolute truths that never change, even if science, the media, and our neighbors are insisting that the earth is flat instead of round. In this way we can improve the world.
A recent article (link provided below) quotes some people who have decided not to have children in order to be eco-friendly and save the planet.
At age 25, one woman was horrified to find out that she was pregnant. She immediately had an abortion. She says, "I didn't like having a termination, but it would have been immoral to give birth to a child that I felt strongly would only be a burden to the world. I've never felt a twinge of guilt about what I did, and have honestly never wondered what might have been."
She continues, "A woman like me, who is not having children in order to save the planet, is considered barking mad....what I consider mad are those women who ferry their children short distances in gas-guzzling cars."
Another woman of a similar mindset states, "I realized...that a baby would pollute the planet - and that never having a child was the most environmentally friendly thing I could do."
Her boyfriend adds, "We recycle, use low-energy light bulbs and eat only organic, locally produced food. In short, we do everything we can to reduce our carbon footprint. But all this would be undone if we had a child. That's why I had a vasectomy. It would be morally wrong for me to add to climate change and the destruction of the Earth. [We]...don't need children to feel complete. What makes us happy is knowing that we are doing our bit to save our precious planet."
Luckily for the people just mentioned, their parents did not have the moral strength to live the lifestyle their children have chosen.
I wonder what would happen if everyone made the noble commitment to save the planet by not having children. I guess we'd all eventually die, and the animals would be free to finally live in peace, free from global warming, free from pollution. The trees would be able to grow. What a beautiful world that would be, but I guess we might not be around to enjoy it at that point.
Yes, we need to be respectful of the world around us; we need to reduce bad habits and do what we can to preserve this beautiful place God has given us to live. So if we are concerned about the earth's future, why not have children and teach them to care for it when we're gone?
Those who maintain that it is moral to terminate an innocent life but immoral to have a child who rides in a gas-guzzling car....let them die off without reproducing. I'm okay with that.
And let those who care about actually improving the world have as many children as we deem proper. Let us teach them what the word "moral" really means. Let us make a difference.
(article link) http://www.dailymail.co.uk
Here! Here! I honestly can't believe how value in human life has been and is being demoralized by so many people in the world. It deeply saddens me to see it. All I have to say is babies, babies, and more babies.
Josh, At
3:32 PM
WELL SAID. Here is someone who agrees with you, I think - http://lds.org/conference/talk/display/0,5232,23-1-775-27,00.html
P.S. I think you two MIGHT be a little biased about the babies, babies, and more babies thing, but that's just me. ;)
Margaret, At
3:43 PM
Oh, that link didn't work - paste these together -
Margaret, At
3:44 PM
This line was my favorite:"Those who maintain that it is moral to terminate an innocent life but immoral to have a child who rides in a gas-guzzling car....let them die off without reproducing. I'm okay with that."
For real, those were the most retarded, self-absorbed conjectures those people were spouting off. I'm all for saving the planet through raising moral, conscientious children.
Lori, At
4:28 PM
SPOT ON!!! I couldn't agree more! Amazing what some people think are moral and immoral ideals. That woman was AMAZING! WOW! Besides I love my children...and they are on their way to saving the planet. Recycling and keeping lights off. :)
jenny-penny, At
5:00 PM
Umm... crap... I'm a scientist I guess I have to ask... does someone want my baby? I can't have her because I might somehow have to feed her, clothe her, and therefore use up some extra carbon resources and release more CO2 into the air... actually, now that I think of it... my pet snake releases CO2... and so does my wife... AND SO DO I!!! Well... it was nice knowing you all, I guess I'll see you on the other side... I can't afford to be selfish and live a life of respiration.
OKAY SERIOUSLY, I wish that these people's parents had the same ideas as their children and therefore we would already be free of them... (wait... that was a mean thing to say)...
NOW REALLY SERIOUSLY, these people obviously don't know the purpose of life, and it just shows our responsibility to share the gospel, and teach our children a love for Science so they help find a cure for our overuse of fossil fuels... ANYWAY... LOVE YOU ALL!!!
Ricky, At
6:41 AM
Here's my favorite line from Ricky's comment:
"I can't afford to be selfish and live a life of respiration."
I just think "a life of respiration" has a nice ring to it. :)
Margaret, At
3:18 PM
Carbon footprints are nothing but a bunch of fooey if you ask me. It's too bad that young couple thinks having kids is so wrong for the envrironment but at least their views die with them. Thanks to my six children some of my conservative views live on after I'm gone. There are those out there who want to reduce the world population to zero for the animals and forests. Let them try because the world will be a better place if they do.
mysourdoughstarters, At
7:01 PM
A very good statement. The idea has implications. Say you have a million people, and someone is able to convince 99.9% of them to not have children (even if it's only temporary, just for this generation). Say the remaining .1% decided to do as you suggest and have children--not 11 kids, but, say, half that many, and they taught their children to do the same. Within four generations, you would have replaced the original million people with another million.
As for the environmental issue, it would be nice to separate it all from politics. Of course, the numbers above have a political implication as well!
Anonymous, At
9:34 AM
I can't describe the feelings of love and joyful emotion that went through me to think a daughter of mine could so eloquently and concisely present my own feelings on this subject. I quote counsel given to a girl named Adele; ". . . you might use talents the Lord has given you to bless the lives of other people. Use them to give people strength and encouragement . . . in the community." I hope you continue to fulfill this inspired advice.
Linda, At
9:40 AM
LOl. I believe in carbon footprints and being responsible, but I most definitely find the idea that people are saving the planet by not having children to be thoroughly ridiculous. Anyone who says that to you, tell them, "do you remember the shakers? Met any lately? didn't think so."
The funny thing is, probably most of these people subscribe to darwin's theory... and by that theory, anyone who is incapable of reproduction (even through choice, because some variable must have influenced them to choose that direction) is unfit to surive and pass on his/her genes (and traditions, and beliefs.)
God has a funny way sometimes, of keeping things on the right track.
Unknown, At
9:06 AM
In lieu of commenting on this post far after the fact (though I barely came to the knowledge of the blog), I choose to take a less frustrated or angry stance and wish to add a comment of pity.
I feel bad for those people who bought into a paradigm of hopelessness. B/C I think what greater hope can anyone have in the world than to parent the child who invents the ultimate eco-friendly car. The one that 2 billion global family members purchase and alleviate the strain we may be placing on our mother earth. You tell me at what cost hope is? Perhaps the cost of another un-eco friendly child?
And if you child invents this car and another's child finds the cure for AIDs... well you do the math. There's a reason we talk about a hope for our future and we find that hope in our children.
I feel sorry for these people who preach a paradigm of poor decision making. Of all the ways to cut impact... not the brightest.
Biz, At
9:54 AM
I totally agree! I can't believe that people would make such LAME excuses for not having children! If people want to make the world better you raise the upcoming generation to have a better sense of the world and how to care for it! I can't wait to raise awesome kids :)
Steph, At
1:07 PM
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